impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing


Artificial intelligence is one of the disciplines of computer science that works to construct software that can interact with people on a human level. AI is supposed to make rational judgments based entirely on facts. Artificial intelligence employs a logical and reasonable approach to data analysis to create artificial devices or products that can assist in various industries. It controls many things, from something as simple as the traffic lights to managing self-driving cars. With that said, marketing is also one of the sectors that AI is becoming a part of more and more. It is not hard to imagine that in the years to come, marketing technology will be entirely digital. With that said, we are going to talk about the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing.

AI Chatbots Are a Major Part of Digital Marketing

One form of AI marketing that most people are probably aware of is a chatbot. Chatbots were just a novelty and a fun concept to play with when they were first developed. However, these days,  chatbots are helpful for many businesses because of their natural language processing and ability to chat with customers. This alleviates the need for human interactions in the initial stages of converting them into customers. If you use a more sophisticated AI chatbot, you can even use them to complete specific orders for you. Chatbots may be included on websites as well as on social media. They will increase engagement and be there to assist clients 24 hours a day. It means that even though they can’t directly aid your digital marketing campaign, they can help you convert more customers.

A chat bubble made out of paper, representing the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing
AI chatbots can also help your business with digital marketing. Image source

Additionally, they can manage several customers at the same time. Most importantly, chatbots may react to client inquiries instantly through chat interaction or voice. Many businesses that operate online already use chatbots to deliver better customer service. But not only that, some companies use chatbots for advertising different services on their websites. You can use it like that as well. Once a prospective client comes to your website, your chatbot can serve as their guide through all of your services which is a great way to naturally market with AI.

Artificial Intelligence Can Enable Predictive Marketing

Predictive marketing forecasts marketing success and AI may assist marketers in correctly anticipating future business. It analyzes past data using data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to forecast future patterns. If all of this sounds a bit confusing to you, don’t worry. You don’t have to understand how all of this works to benefit from it. The only thing you need to know is what it does. That said, predictive marketing uses an AI-driven algorithm to let you know every time a user browses your page. When that happens, the AI-driven algorithm will gather and analyzes information about the user’s online activity. This data can offer you a lot of information.

A person holding a wooden circle with an eye that says "yes."
Without AI analysis, predictive marketing would be impossible, which emphasizes the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing. Image source

The main thing you’ll want to consider, however, is how often the user buys something and which brands they prefer. With the data it has gathered, Artificial Intelligence can predict the consumer’s wants and preferences. If you know what your consumers want, you can segment them into groups based on their habits. Once you have done that, you can target each group of potential customers with specific ads that you design for them. Predictive analytics and data-driven marketing will help your digital marketing campaign as well as with managing your production plans. If you want to make the most out of your digital marketing efforts, you need to rely on solid numbers and data that the AI will provide you with.

AI Can Help With Ad Targeting

Ads are considered the bread and butter of marketing. They are your primary marketing method, and out of all the other tools for marketing, ads have the highest ROI. AI can assist you with ads as well. As mentioned before, AI can gather helpful information about your potential customers. Using this information, it can craft or improve your ad content. All it has to do is modify certain ads, depending on the specific interests of the customer you decide to target. With this, your ads will be shown to people with particular interests, preferences, likes, and dislikes who are more likely to make a purchase.

A person drawing arrows pointing to the word audience.
You can target your audience better if you have enough data.Image source

Data-driven marketing of this nature is something that is only going to become more popular as time goes by. Google Ad platforms already target audiences using artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI can deliver advertisements to users based on their search history, prior purchases, demographics, hobbies, and so on. AI can ultimately serve the relevant ads to the right audience at the right time. This proves to be more than just a trend. It will make the whole marketing process easier for you and your potential customer.


When presented in figures or data, we can conclude that the impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing is considerable. Not only that, but it is yet to reach its full potential. We have only scratched the surface of what AI is capable of, not just in marketing but in computing itself. Every social media network, from Instagram to Youtube, enjoys the advantages of artificial intelligence in its way. These platforms leverage user data to provide consumers with the best possible search suggestions. Hopefully, you will also find a way to make your business benefit from AI.

Author Bio: Michael Johnson has been a content writer for the past four years. He has been writing about many different topics, but lately, he’s been focusing on tech and marketing. He has mostly been writing for and a few other websites in that field.

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