How social media marketing is changing customer

How social media marketing is changing customers’ buying decisions

2020 was a very tough year for the world. If we were in the stone age we should not have felt the situation. Fortunately, our company 8Technologist had survived this pandemic, but some did not. The reason these developments were different for different companies was just that they were not available in the digital world. Social media marketing is bringing a lot of changes for customers. Their directions are being influenced by social media because the way of explaining things is now different. Social media marketing is also known as SMM.

8Technologist have always encouraged social media marketing as this is the future because in a few years everything will be digitized. Let it be any social networking website like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit these all are helping people to bring attention to the digital market.

There are many benefits of social media platforms and websites. Because they are helping the world to promote their services and products. About 80% of the world is now using the internet. Everyone knows how to use it. If someone wants to create a digital business he or she can simply create his or her appearance in the digital or social media world.

Today it is now very simple to create a business in social media or digital media. Since paper media and electronic media difference is not very much. But still, some people follow the old-school method. Since the word media is usually used for communication. Let’s dig into the blog and explore more about how social media marketing is changing customers’ buying decisions.

Creating awareness

You can use social media websites to create awareness about yourself so that when some customer buys your product or service he or she must be aware of your company, product, and service.

If you create awareness about your company, product and service then there is multiple times of chance that you will be seen by your potential customers. When you create awareness customer buying decisions fall at the right place. Since we are living in the modern digital world. It is now very easy to create awareness about your company, product, and services.

You can create awareness by using social media platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter extra. You can create a short introduction video about yourself and post it the social media platforms or use infographic pictures to represent your company. Even you can use your hashtags so that you can have the searches around it.

There are many ways you can use social media marketing to create awareness about your brand. You can use either organic marketing (unpaid marketing) or inorganic marketing (paid marketing).


Since the business is based on the trust that you built with the customers. You can show your customers how you are trustworthy. You can tell about your company, brand, product, services are trustworthy. Whenever any customer will come he or she will buy your product or service blindly because you have built a trusted wall. You can use all the social networking sites to built trust between you and your customers.

Everyone in the world first creates trust then he or she buys the things. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, youtube are available to create a profile about yourself. You can post your testimonials and customers responses on your social media profiles so that people can trust your company, brand, product, and service. You can use the social media marketing strategy by creating advertisements, videos, infographics pictures that can create trust between you and your customers.

Use Community Engagement

Create such groups in social media networking websites that can help your customers in reaching out to you. For instance, you can use Facebook for community engagement. You can create groups and pages to get engage with the customers and help them.

You can also use other websites for community build-up and community help out. This is the way that customers can bring attention to your brand and company. Social media marketing can bring lots of customers to your attention.

Make Your Appearance Everywhere

If you want to be successful in the social media world, then you must appear on all the platforms of the social media marketing world. If your customer is using Facebook you must be at Facebook and if your other customer is using Twitter then you must also be at Twitter. It means your social media appearance must be everywhere.

No matter where your customer belongs, it should not matter to you. Any country or any region of the world must know that you are available on every social media network. This will lead to influence the customers buying decisions.

Social media marketing strategy

Always remember when there is a plane there is a way or hope to rise again. If you have a strategy to bring up customers through social media marketing then there will be a huge chance that people will buy up your product and service.

Social media marketing strategies are always successful because the rate of the customer always goes through social media. Nowadays people are using smartphones, with just one click they can buy and sell things. People need to create a strategy so that people can bring attention to their company, brand, products, and services.


The bottom line is if you want to change customers’ buying decisions. Then you must know how social media marketing can change the customer’s buying decisions. By following the above techniques anyone can be the master of this thing. Social media marketing is not that hard if someone digs into it.

SMM which is also called social media marketing is used for all sorts of purposes. People need to understand how people can use it either for personal use or for productive use. There are about 7.6 billion people in the world and you can reach them by using the internet. Although not the whole world uses the internet yet some of them are connected to it. If a little child can use social media networking sites then it must not be hard for older generations to use them.

Social media marketing is bringing a huge influence on customers buying decisions. You can bring attention to the customer about your brand, company, product, and service. Remember one thing that there are two ways for marketing one paid marketing and the other is unpaid marketing. Our company 8Technologist provides both marketing strategies to boost up businesses, brands and companies. 80% of the social media users browse social media to research brands, companies, products, services before a buying decision. The internet has now become Aladdin’s Lamp. Internet is now becoming a Genie you just have to search for what you want.

Social media, which includes Awareness, Trust built, user engagement, social media appearance, and strategy can lead to change customers’ buying decisions. The effect of social media on customer buying decisions cannot be ignored by companies, brands, businesses, products, and services.

According to a report customers who are influenced by social media are 6 times more likely to spend more on buying things. Moreover, the influence can be so high that 40% of the customers are more likely to buy the product or service from social media.

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