Manage Social Media By The 5-3-2 Rule!

Manage Social Media By The 5-3-2 Rule

Social Media is a great source to reach a bigger audience and with so many social media sites and networks, it has become easy to promote your own business. Whenever we talk about social sharing you need to get the balance right, and that’s where the 5-3-2 rule comes into play.

When it comes to social media the use of the 5-3-2 rule becomes very important. With this rule, we can easily overcome the strategy of gathering the audience at our platform. A successful social media marketing strategy will help your brand tackle its goals with a sense of purpose. Before we dig into the 5-3-2 rule we must set the goals that we need to achieve. With this strategy, it will grow the brand’s audience. After knowing the audience the second step is to establish your brand. Your brand must be on every social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. With so many social media sites it is now possible for everyone to market its brand with the help of the 5-3-2 rule.


So what is the 5-3-2 Rule?

The 5-3-2 rule has nothing to do with football rules or mathematics and statistics. The 5-3-2 rule is very simple to manage social media. With this rule, you can play a big part in drawing audiences to your brand.

You will notice that each of these areas all have something in common, they all are focused on your audience, not on you. For example, 8Technologist is a company that is one of the finest technology blogs and leading technologist guest posts related to social media. People will come on our blog to read about what they want, not about us. The key lesson is not to talk about yourself every time you post. This can be a surefire way to turn people off from your brand. Here we will explain the 5-3-2 rule of social media. Let’s get a dig in.


50% Curated Content:

Five should be content from valid sources that are relevant not only to your brand’s image but also to your audience. This part is based on the majority of your content sharing. The majority of what you share should be curated from other sources and places that are relevant to your niche and audience. Following are some tools that will help you quickly curate content for your social media posts:

Reddit, Quora, Forums, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Trending topics across all the social media sites.


30% Creative Content:

Three should be content from you, relevant to your audience (and not directly selling your products). This part, in the 5-3-2 rule, is where you finally have the freedom to talk about yourself. This is where your own blog posts, promotional items, and videos come into play. 3 of the 10 posts you share must be the content that is created by you. It should not be copied from another place.

Social media is all about attracting the attention of your audience by creating unique content. Try creating valuable content as well, as this will keep things interesting for your audience. These are the types of content that can be included in 30% of your social media sharing:

Blogs, eBooks, Featured Services, Videos, Infographics


20% Fun Content:

Two should be personal, something non-work related to help humanize yourself and/or your brand mean posts with something unrelated to your company.

This is an important part of the 5-3-2 rule that brings your brand to life and shows your audience that you are human and not just a big faceless corporation trying to sell to them.

Find content that’s weird, wacky, humanly, entertaining and funny. This kind of “fun content-sharing” brings your brand to life and let your audience know that you are a human, not a bot. In the world full of bots, be a human. Write for humans, not bots. Add some content that makes sense and when human read it they found it interesting



The best thing about the 5-3-2 rule is that all this content would be focused on your audience and not about you. It surely does take a little bit more thought, a bit more time, if this is the first time you would be planning to use this rule. But once you get the hang of it, you will start to see more engagement with your audience and getting more conversation on social media.

Creating an effective social media marketing strategy plan is a tough task. It can take too much time to make successful your plans. But it is important to take time to do it properly. A successful social media strategy can bring more website traffic and visitors to you and also help you to build a great customer relationship. And also increase sales. Let’s start step by step social media strategy.

With the following social media marketing strategy, you can list your brand as one of the most famous brands. Create goals and objectives, Track your current social media presence, Understand your Audience, Get visual and develop your Content Strategy, Choose content according to Platform, Increase more followers, Create an ideal #hashtag, Invest in a social media tool, Find the right time to post, Analyze, optimize and track results.

Social media always keep changing; there is always room for improvement, research, and understanding your audience. So keep listening to conversations and opinions about your brand, products, and industry.

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