redesign your website

7 Signs It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

Redesigning a website is definitely a huge project. Nevertheless, it is a necessary change. For your business to survive, you must introduce novelties and give your customers a whole new experience. The visual appeal of your website has a huge impact on customer experiences. Remember that the first impression never changes, and that is why you need to take special care of how your website looks like. If your website design does not meet quality standards, it will produce a negative user experience. To prevent that, we will show you 7 signs it’s time to redesign your website.

1. You are not providing a user-friendly experience

If you want to engage with your customers, you need to think about how they interact with your website. Ask yourself – what do they want? If you do not know how to answer that question, just ask yourself what would you like to see on a website, and how would you like your experience to look. The most common answer is that you want a user-friendly experience. That can mean many things, and there are many user-friendly features that will improve your website.

A gallery showing photos of people
A user-friendly website experience will attract many customers to your business. Image source

The two user-friendly essential features are:

  • Accessibility: Think about the people who visit your website. Some of them have serious disabilities that will not allow them to enjoy your website like the rest. Whether they cannot focus, distinguish colors, or see, you need to ensure their experience is as smooth as the rest. The way to do this is to make your website accessible. Keep in mind that this is a huge p, project but it is definitely an important one.
  • Navigation: Another important element of your website is navigation. You need to make sure that your visitors can smoothly navigate between the pages and quickly find whatever they are looking for. Complex navigation will confuse visitors and might even push away potential customers.

These improvements will not only create a user-friendly experience but also improve the search engine optimization of your website.

2. Your website is not engaging

When visitors discover your website, they have a couple of seconds to decide whether to stay on it or to continue to the next one. If you fail to create an engaging experience and a good first impression, they will not stay for long. As a result, the bounce rate will go up. To transform a static website into a dynamic one, you may use different strategies:

  1. First, create engaging and interactive content. It should invite visitors to think, engage, and ask questions. Introduce buttons and elements that reveal additional information on mouse hover. Furthermore, add enticing images and videos that complement your content.
  2. Second, if you have old content, use it wisely. Re-purpose your old content to give more value to the customers.
  3. Finally, avoid creating a boring website. The most popular trend for creating websites is minimalist design. However, you should not take that too far, or you will create a boring experience that will not offer much.

Additionally, think about your overall design. If it is outdated, your website is ready for a change. Do research on the most current web design trends, and compare them to your website’s design.

3. Your website does not reflect your brand message

If you ever wanted a good reason to redesign your website, this is one to look out for. Your website serves to connect your business with potential customers and also to promote your brand. To do that successfully, it must reflect your brand message.

If you made a huge change to your business, or you are refocusing on other goals or shifting your brand in a new direction, you need to make sure that your website supports that change. Furthermore, consider redesigning your logo. This might give a whole new look to your brand and help you to connect with customers.

4. The conversion rate is going down

To make a profit, you need to learn how to convert visitors into customers. If you are using a website to do business online, the conversion rate is one of the most crucial metrics to follow. When it starts to go down, you might want to consider improving your website design.

A profit chart going down.
Bad web design will affect your online sales. Image source

According to, the best way to approach this process is to survey your leads to understand why they are not willing to convert. That is a very important piece of feedback. Take whatever they tell you as seriously as possible, and utilize that information to improve your web design if necessary.

5. The bounce rate is going up

We already mentioned the bounce rate in the previous section. If your website does not create a good first impression, visitors will quickly close the tab and move on. This is called a bounce. If you are keeping track of this metric and notice that it is rapidly increasing, you need to seriously consider redesigning your website.

That could happen because:

  • your website is loading slowly
  • the home page does not leave a good first impression
  • visitors cannot tell what your website is about
  • the SERP did not provide the expected results
  • the page looks unappealing and complex
  • the page did not catch the visitor’s attention

6. Search engine optimization is not up to date

As you already know, Google constantly makes changes to SEO rules. New algorithm updates change the search engine optimization game, and every website must introduce changes. Make sure to track your position on the search engine results page.

If you notice it is losing the indexing position, that means that your search engine optimization is not good. Redesigning the website does not only mean changing its visual appeal but also working on the SEO in the background.

Another good strategy is to try to boost your traffic by offering more value to the customers. That will positively affect your SEO and also engage your customers more.

7. Your website is not optimized for the mobile experience

One of the most important aspects of search engine optimization is the mobile-friendliness of a website. A visitor can open a website from different devices; the most common is a smartphone. People want to use the internet wherever they are, and that is why your website must offer a mobile-friendly user experience. If you fail to do this step, you might lose a lot of customers and jeopardize your business as a whole.

A person trying to log in to a website from a mobile device.
Give your customers the possibility to visit your website from a mobile device. Image source

When it’s time to redesign your website, do it right!

The last piece of advice is to invest all the resources when you discover it’s time to redesign your website. Your entire business depends on it. Try to understand what requires a redesign, and work with a team of professional designers to ensure the project’s success.

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